Protein Production Estimates

The latest protein production estimates for April 2024 reveal an overall increase across various sectors, with notable upticks in beef, pork, and poultry production...

Protein Production Estimates Show Overall Increase, Except for Eggs and Milk

The latest protein production estimates for April 2024 reveal an overall increase across various sectors, with notable upticks in beef, pork, and poultry production. However, egg and milk production figures have seen declines, reflecting shifts in consumption patterns and market dynamics.

Beef Production:

Beef production is up by 130 million pounds, indicating continued growth in the beef sector. This increase reflects efforts to meet rising demand for beef products domestically and internationally.

Pork Production:

Pork production sees a significant increase of 180 million pounds, highlighting the resilience of the pork industry amidst changing market conditions. Higher production levels are driven by increased hog slaughter rates and improved efficiency in the production process.

Red Meat and Poultry:

Combined red meat and poultry production show a substantial rise of 312 million pounds, demonstrating the strength of the protein sector as a whole. This increase reflects robust production levels across beef, pork, broiler, and turkey segments.

Poultry Production:

Broiler and turkey production both experience growth, with broiler production up by 225 million pounds and turkey production up by 5 million pounds. These increases are driven by factors such as improved genetics, technological advancements, and favorable market conditions.

Egg and Milk Production:

In contrast to the overall trend, egg production sees a decline of 70 million dozen, indicating challenges within the egg industry such as disease outbreaks or changes in consumer preferences.

Similarly, milk production shows a decrease of 1 billion pounds, suggesting challenges faced by dairy producers, potentially influenced by factors such as fluctuating milk prices, input costs, and market competition.


The protein production estimates for April 2024 underscore the dynamic nature of the agricultural industry, with fluctuations in production across different protein sources reflecting various internal and external factors. While beef, pork, and poultry production continue to rise, challenges persist within the egg and dairy sectors, highlighting the need for resilience and adaptability among producers in the ever-changing agricultural landscape.

* Projection. 1/ Commercial production for red meats; federally inspected for poultry meats. 2/ Beef, pork, veal and lamb & mutton. 3/ Broilers, turkeys and mature chicken.