NATIONAL BEEF WIRE: Top 10 Updates for Cattle Producers
Source: Rob Cook
NATIONAL BEEF WIRE: Top 10 Updates for Cattle Producers
1. Cattle Prices Surge: Live Cattle at $183.175 (+2.475) and Feeder Cattle Reach $244.875 (+4.725), With Feeder Futures at a 3-Month High VIEW COMMODITY PRICES
2. National Steer Tracker Price Steady at $241.98 Despite Futures Surge
3. Boxed Beef Prices Stop Decline, Up 40 Cents
4. Big Day for 7-Weight Steers on Thursday: Averaging $250.15, the Highest Since Oct. 18th
5. Ogallala, NE Reports 34 Steers (710#) at $277.00, Tied for Highest Steer Price So Far in '24, 7-wts Set Records Across Multiple States
6. Cattle Trade Spikes Up by $3 to Reach $178
7. NCBA Passes Watered-Down Resolution Maintaining Support for EID Devices
8. Odessa, Texas Issues Significant Wind Warning (45-65 mph) for This Weekend
9. Dozens of French Farmers Arrested, Tractors Confiscated Amid Economic Protests Near Paris
10. Turkey Growers Left Out of USDA Payment Reform Express Devastation