Dr. Lindsay Upperman Joins the Red Angus Association of America

DENVER – The Red Angus Association of America welcomes Dr. Lindsay Upperman to its breed improvement department as a beef cattle geneticist. Upperman will work with the director of breed improvement to develop and deliver genetic selection tools, conduct research projects focusing on genetics and phenotypic information and develop educational programs that empower RAAA members and commercial producers to improve the genetic merit and quality of their cattle.

“We are pleased to add Lindsay to the breed improvement department. Her experience will be a benefit to our members and commercial producers,” said Ryan Boldt, RAAA director of breed improvement. “Lindsay’s commitment to working to provide selection tools that will improve the commercial beef cattle industry aligns perfectly with the RAAA’s core policies,” he added.

Upperman earned a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Kansas State University, her master’s degree in animal biology from UC Davis and her Ph.D in animal science with a focus on animal breeding and genetics from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. During her academic career, she was selected for the All-American Collegiate Livestock Judging Team and won the BIF Roy A. Wallace Undergraduate & Graduate Scholarship as well as the Baker/Cundiff Beef Improvement Essay Contest.

Prior to joining RAAA, Upperman worked at the American Gelbvieh Association as the performance programs coordinator.

“I am excited to utilize my current skillsets in helping to advance genetic progress in the Red Angus breed, along with gaining new experiences, knowledge and a further appreciation for a breed that keeps the commercial producer at the forefront,” said Upperman. “I look forward to meeting the members involved in this association and welcome future discussions for developments in breed improvement.”

Outside of her career, Upperman enjoys being outdoors including; hiking, kayaking and fishing and is an active member of her local church congregation.

Upperman started in her new role on March 7 and can be reached at lindsay@redangus.org or (940) 387-3502 ex. 29.




The Red Angus Association of America serves the beef industry by enhancing and promoting the measurable advantages of Red Angus and Red Angus-influenced cattle. The RAAA provides commercial producers with objectively described cattle by implementing new technologies and utilizing scientifically sound principles that quantify traits of economic importance to beef producers in all segments of the beef industry. For more information, visit www.RedAngus.org.